You will learn how to play with form and placement of the patterns created and you will have the opportunity to create your own circle forms taking inspiration from Rob’s work. Work will be dyed with a number of Dylon dyes, allowing the opportunity for further shibori and overdyeing on day two.
Course Description: In this two-day workshop, you will explore the many and varied patterns that can be created in Shibori using a circle form using a variety of Dylon dyes to dye and over-dye your work. The resultant fabrics can be used on their own or further embellished with stitch at home.
Day 1 : We will cover the basics of shibori stitching and binding to create simple stitched and bound circles, including the Bai (Seashell) and Kumo (Spiderweb) patterns. We then progress to using stitching and binding in combination to form Makiage and Guntai shibori patterns.
You will also learn how to cap areas of the fabric with plastic to retain the original fabric colour, known as Boshi shibori in Japan. Rob will explain how to prepare samples that are arrangements of multiples of these patterns.
During the day you will start to dye your samples using Dylon dye.
Day 2: We will work patterns on the fold (Hishaki-nui shibori) to create traditional patterns including the Hinagiku (Daisy) and Karamatsu (Larch) patterns. There will be time to explore your own ideas for shibori circle patterns using variations of the techniques demonstrated with plenty of examples from the tutor’s own work.
You will learn how to pull up and tie off your work tightly to create a good resist. There will be time to dye your work in a variety of Dylon dyes, including the opportunity for overdyeing and re-stitching pieces dyed on Day 1 of the course.