Miniature Books

This is a structured workshop using a variety of media. Through out the day I will demonstrate little tricks with pen and ink that you can use to get brilliant, effective results.  You will end up with several designs with which to work from at home. A great workshop for those wishing to bridge that stitch and design gap – and for those considering coming to Design For Stitch in the future.

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This is a great design project that produces a number of different designs within a whole piece…almost effortlessly ! The day will be spent looking at your design source in some detail and incorporates a number of colour media to achieve some great effects.
The completed designs can then be colour copied at home onto fabric and/or stitched into directly, enlarged on a copier and then produced in fabric. Possibilities are endless.

The first seven books pictured here were the results produced from the workshop at the studio, by the RAWEdge artists for their Natural Progression Exhibition in 2018, and were the starting point for their individual bodies of work– they started with the same exercise in the studio and generated a whole body of work centered around their one source of inspiration.
We had fungi, lemons, mushrooms, sea urchins and flowers. If in doubt bring a selection of flowers – they work brilliantly with the koh I noor inks you use with me on the day.

The first part of the day will be spent painting – then sectioning off areas before hand stitching if you so wish.

Additional information


June 10th 2019, 29th Jan 2020


10am – 4pm

Skill Level

Aimed at those interested in creative textile art and machine embroidery but you do not need to be a whiz with the paintbrush to benefit from the day – as long as your happy to experiment!


Your object/s of inspiration – if you can, bring in the real thing – if not A4 pics of your inspiration would be fine. Closeups as well as the whole structure at different angles.
Ie flowers work brilliantly. Shells, selection of fruit.

Sketch book if you have one but dont worry if not.
Koh I noor inks
White wax crayon

white posca pens if you have but dont buy especially.
Any Other colour media such as inktense stitcks, pastels, colour pens you may have. Do not go and buy especially.
Water colour pencils
Selection of brushes, including a large flat brush to do a wash and an old one for bleach.
Other mark making tools to suit your design, eg cotton bud, toothbrush etc.
HB pencil
Black fineliner pens in various thicknesses
Water colour pencils
Paper scalpel. Plastic ones are cheap and readily available from art shops.
Small Cutting mat (I have a couple)
Masking tape.
A selection of hand threads if you wish to stitch and appropriate needles. I have plenty of threads you can use you can buy on the day if you wish.
Phone/camera to take record.


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